Finished Basement Ductwork
This is the correct way to finish a basement. It is extremely important to remember to include heating and cooling in your basement plans. Once the basement is finished it is hard to go back and do it again.

The home had an existing 95% efficient furnace that was correctly sized for the space. The homeowner chose to zone the basement seperate from the main floor. A seperate supply trunk was installed to supply the basement duct system.

The basement was framed as specified by the architect. The homeowner chose 2x4 walls with 1/2" foam insulation. This insulation also acted as the vapor barrier. Inside the 2x4 walls is a 6" round duct that transitions to oval. This oval duct will be hidden in the wall stud space.

The outside 2x4 stud walls were filled with Roxul R-15 Insulation. The band joist was spray foamed. The comfort level in the basement and in the entire house will be improved by properly insulating the walls prior to installing the drywall.

Installed in the the new basement supply and the existing main house supply are zone dampers. The dampers are controlled by a zoning board. the zoning board receives information from the thermostats and open and close as necessary.

A Honeywell HE150 bypass humidifier was installed to increase humiditiy levels and decrease dry skin.

The return air duct in the basement is ducted into the main return duct, the basement bedroom also has a return.